Dashboard using basic authentication (Node-RED default -  httpNodeAuth config), having an issue preventing using Admin and Dashboard the same time in both MacOS and iOS. You could read more here. As a result, if you have open Dashboard in Safari or this App, you will not open Admin until restart Saftar/App. That means after using Editor, you must use Dashboard on Safari to test the real dashboard.

To solve this, you can to change Dashboard authentication to Middleware authentication

Change in Setting.js

Download js for middle ware

Credit to [librae8226]: https://github.com/node-red/node-red-dashboard/pull/209


Security for Node when remove httNodeAuth


Remove httpNodeAuth will expose your http node (like http POST node for getting location, voice command). To protect these HTTP nodes, you could add  a function node to check for authorization:

if (msg.req.headers.authorization === 'Basic ' + btoa('username:password')){
  // Correct username and password, process your code
  return msg.payload